Monday, February 15, 2010

Progress, Videos and a Call for Interest

Hello everyone!

For those outside of our fine university (WPI) it is now the start of the last term of the year, or in our case, the last term of this project. Its been a few weeks since my last update, much progress has been made since then and I'm very excited to show you what we've been up to.

First, a quick summary of what has been done:
  • We now have the ability to control the read-head robot with a off-the-shelf USB joystick with a semi-queue system that allows for seamless transition between user control of the robot and the pre-programmed sequences already in place. In addition, a simple GUI has been implemented to allow for easier tweaking of the installation pacing. [i.e. how long should the user have control, how long should it wait for people to populate the board with stickies, etc]
  • The board itself has undergone a few changes, A yellow LED warning light has been attached that can be operated from our C# stepper control code by way of the switching outputs on our StepperBee+ controller board. This light will be sued to alert users that the board will be momentarily cleaned by our sweeper-robot and all hand should be clear of the installation surface lest their hand get damaged.
  • As mentioned above, our sticky-note cleaning robot is functional! [A video link of the 'bot working will be placed here soon!] The system is powered/controlled from the switching outputs of the stepperBee+ controller and a set of contact plates placed on the far sides of the board control the double-pole double-throw switch that allows the mechanism to travel in both directions on the board. It is still in need of some fine-tuning but it does operate well with the temporary construction that is currently in place.
  • The audio software is under steady development, the toolkit currently in place has been sufficient for our needs, so at this place it's just a matter of figuring out how to take those pieces and assemble them in a way that generates pleasing/varied output. You can take a look at the videos below to see how our audio sets have been progressing. With our previous audio sets, the output has been kinda manic, lots of notes per minute and little variation and repetition, over the break some ideas have been bandied about stemming from related project and publications. A few of these ideas will be implemented and tested in the coming week, so stay tuned!
Schedule for last seven weeks:
Now that our team is in the last 7 weeks of the project, now begins the mad-rush to document our work, present it to the world for field testing, start and complete the required report and presentation. We hope in the end to get this installation out into the world at least once for the public to experience our hard work first hand and have some fun making glitchy noises with office supplies. if anyone out there has any ideas for possible events/house parties that would be a suitable venue for this behemoth, please don't hesitate to comment!

Final Notes:
Due to the quick nature of our university's terms and the nature of this project, things will be moving pretty quickly around here. Over the next few weeks this blog will be transisitioning to a more photo/media-blog style to give you [the internet] an idea of what we are up to without the lengthy writing time needed to generate a full post. So check around every so often for more pictures and videos of our beloved techno-monstrosity in action!


Here's a video of our first time running the webcam read-head robot over a colored post-it populated board with a simple audio generation scheme going.

It sounded pretty awesome for the first go but aver the past week or so, its been getting even better with all of our new changes.

Here's the first demo of our new user control scheme and another iteration of the audio generation platform that we are developing for this installation. In this demo, we are showing off the awesome joystick control system that's been coded for use in moving the camera "read-head" over the drawing surface covered with a few test post-its.

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